Electricity Pool Trading and Portfolio Modeling
Electricity Pool Trading and Portfolio Modeling
iPool ‘s object oriented technology allows modeling of various market rules and provides quick interactive and visual response for short term and real time pool trading.
Pool Trading
Successful trading and bidding into a competitive electricity pool requires the ability to respond quickly to the changing market conditions.
iPool provides the features required to enable quick and appropriate market responses:
Volume position and exposure
Financial position and exposure
Short term and intra-day forecasting
Competitor Bid Offer Analysis
Fast historical Market Analysis
Interactive what If Market Scenarios
Portfolio Modeling
Energy companies and trading firms will benefit from iPool’s multi-portfolio modeling with its ability to aggregate results and evaluate these against historical and simulated market scenarios. iPool models:
Customer Demand Portfolio
Generation Demand Portfolio
Wholesale Contracts (ISDA and Power Supply Agreements)
Retail Contracts and Tariffs (Single rate and multi-rate Time-Of-Use)
Versatile Generation Modeling
iPool’s Object Oriented technology enables flexible and detailed modeling of different kinds of power stations, their operating characteristics, their associated costs and their supply availability. iPool:
Models Coal Fired plants, Gas Turbines, Combine Cycle GTs, Hydros, Pump Storage, Solar, Wind, Biomass and generic stations.
Models production costs using multi-point incremental cost curves, O&M costs, capital charges, network charges, start up costs, carbon costs
Models and tracks energy storage levels, energy limitations and cascaded stations.
Captures historical behavior and uses this data in simulation.
Market Rules and Dispatch Modeling
iPool models the static and dynamic system constraints. The bid offer prices and the reserve offer prices are co-optimized in the pricing and dispatch of generation.
Models different dispatch and trading intervals
5 minute dispatch and trading
3o minute dispatch and trading
Hourly dispatch and trading
Can use actual and aggregated bid offers
Models transmission interconnectors
Models generic dynamic constraints
Models ramp rates
Models static and dynamic loss factors
Models limits on energy storage
Models both supply offers and demand bids
Models market specific pricing rules